I have a favorite teacher at my school. He is Mr. Bambang. He is my English teacher. He's still young. He is approximately 30 years old. However, He was a firm and disciplined person. Although his face was quite sinister, his heart was very kind. He has short hair that always looks neat. He always wears glasses to cover his wide eyes. He also has a long mustache and a fairly thick beard. All the students in my school really like it. According to them. He was a cold and macho man with a sharp nose and fair skin. He is very kind to his students. He always gives logical advice or opinion when we need his help. He has made all his students happy to learn English because he is very good at creating a calm and comfortable atmosphere in the classroom. He always has the latest ideas in teaching. I think he is a very creative and innovative teacher. His warm personality made him the most likable teacher. He is good at making friends and speaking in public. Everyone who is close to him will feel comfortable because of his personality. As long as he teaches us. He was never late or missed class. He is very diligent in going to school, even though his arrival is always eagerly awaited by the students.
1. The text is written to ...
A. describe English teacher in general
B. inform about Mr Bambang
C. describe Mr Bambang
D. tell about Mr Bambang
2. "He always has the latest ideas in teaching". The sentence means that Mr Bambang ...
A. has newest ideas in teaching
B. creates his own way in teaching
C. gets late information about ideas in teaching
D. create comfortable atmosphere in the classroom
3. After reading the text we can conclude that the writer feels.... to Mr Bambang. A. honoured
B. ashamed
Kak bantu tugas bahasa Inggris saya kak,jawab yang benar ya kak
- The test is written to describe Mr. Bambang (option C).
- "He always has the latest ideas in teaching". The sentence means that Mr Bambang has the newest ideas in teaching (option A).
- After reading the text we can conclude that the writer feels honoured (option A) to Mr Bambang.
Teks pada soal termasuk teks deskriptif yang mana menggambarkan pak Bambang dari sudut pandang salah satu muridnya. Hal ini dapat terlihat pada kalimat pertama dan kedua :
I have a favorite teacher at my school. He is Mr. Bambang.
Arti dalam Bahasa :
Saya memiliki guru yang paling saya sukai di sekolahku. Beliau bernama pak Bambang.
Selain itu, pada teks tersebut, mulai dari awal kalimat sampai akhir hanya menceritakan terkait pak Bambang.
Terkait soal :
Nomor 1
The text is written to ...
Arti dalam Bahasa : Teks tersebut ditulis untuk ...
Jawabannya adalah describe about Mr. Bambang (option C).
Arti dalam bahasa : menderkripsikan pak Bambang.
Alasan : pada kalimat pertama sampai terakhir, teks hanya berisi ulasan penulis terkait pak Bambang (guru paling penulis sukai).
Nomor 2
"He always has the latest ideas in teaching". The sentence means that Mr. Bambang.
Arti dalam Bahasa :
"Dia selalu memiliki ide-ide terbaru dalam mengajar." Arti dari kalimat tersebut adalah bahwa pak Bambang.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi A. "Has newest ideas in teaching" yang dalam Bahasa memiiki arti "mempunyai ide-ide terbaru dalam mengajar." Mengingat sinonim the latest adalah the newest.
Nomor 3
After reading the text we can conclude that the writer feels.... to Mr Bambang. Arti dalam Bahasa : Setelah membaca teks tersebut, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa penulis merasa .... kepada pak Bambang.
Jawaban yang tepat adalah "honoured" yang terdapat pada opsi A atau arti dalam Bahasa adalah "terhormat". Maksudnya adalah si penulis merasa bangga terhadap pak Bambang.
Alasan :
Penulis mendeskripsikan pak Bambang sebagai guru yang paling ia sukai (pada kalimat pertama teks) dan pada kalimat-kalimat penjelas tampak pemaparan kelebihan-kelebihan (hal-hal positif) pada diri pak Bambang. Misal : " I think he is a very creative and innovative teacher." artinya "Saya (penulis berpendapat bahwa beliau (pak Bambang) adalah seorang guru yang sangat kreatif dan inovatif."
Pelajari lebih lanjut
- Materi tentang pembahasan soal dengan teks berbentuk deskriptif lainnya : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/51213571
- Materi tentang deskripsi makna dari beberapa kata dalam bahasa Inggris (pengertian kata) : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/51219365
- Materi tentang contoh teks deskriptif (dalam bahasa Inggris) :
Detail jawaban
Kelas : X
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Bab : Descriptive text
Kode : 10.5.1